Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Great minds think alike?

I decided to check my email while visiting my sister today and had to do so through the Yahoo website, where I inadvertently made it in to my Bulk mail folder. There I found an email from a very nice and strikingly similar person to me saying that she too, had a blog called Chronicles of Mommy-a, with no hyphen...her name is Catherine Mosely and she is from Roanoke Virginia and she was lucky enough to be written about in the local newspaper, where apparently , they used the hyphen when referring readers to her blog. this is a post to say...we are not the same person! :)
Of course, strangely also, we use the same Blogger template and we are the same age and a few other coincidences, but this is to clarify that if you are looking for Catherine, I am sorry to disappoint. Makes me think I oughtta change the name of my blog.
Cheers, Catherine.